To SEO or not to SEO? That is the question

So you’re an architecture firm that wants to attract new leads, new clients, new partners. You’re looking to grow your brand by reaching your target audience through your website. And your site works, it gets some traffic and even a few conversions, but you’re not really getting anywhere. You’ve heard of SEO and how it can help solve your problem but you’re wondering exactly what it is and how many keywords you have to add per paragraph in order to make it work?

We’ve compiled this SEO for Beginners Guide to help answer just that. Read on!⬇️

SEO for Beginners: a BetterPros Guide

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving your site to increase organic visibility for specific search queries.

But let’s break that down:

Improving your site: this doesn’t mean filling your web with endless keywords, but focusing on the crucial aspects that make it work well, like speed, mobile-friendliness and quality content.

Increase organic visibility: according to BrightEdge, 53.3% of all web traffic comes from organic searches. And one of the biggest advantages of SEO is that it’s essentially an inbound marketing strategy, meaning it attracts users who are already looking for information related to your industry. This increases the chances of converting sales and leads, as the audience that SEO targets is one that was already considering making a purchase or hiring a service.

Some tips for gaining more visibility through organic search:
1. Try to appear on the first page of Google–it garners 90% of traffic!
2. If you end up on the top position of Google’s first page, your click-through rate will be nearly doubled compared to spot number two.
3.  Featured Snippet beats all. It can help you leap over the number one spot and is also a second way for users to find your website.

The goal of using SEO: improve the quality and quantity of your website’s traffic by serving your customers needs and adhering to search engines’ best practices.

Anything else?

So we’ve established that SEO increases your website’s traffic and brand visibility while making it appear credible and trustworthy. Are there any other benefits?

1) It guarantees a better web experience for all: adhering to the more technical requirements of SEO ensures you keep your web in good shape. Features like page speed, adaptability for mobile and security measures help Google determine if you are providing a valuable interaction. They also make your site more useful for your customers, so it’s a win-win situation.

2) It keeps you informed: as SEO changes all the time, staying up to date with the latest practices is key in order to execute it properly. It also helps you understand online trends, as well as your clients and competitors.

3) It’s trackable: with SEO you can quantify changes in rankings, conversions and website traffic. Recruit a little help from Google Analytics and you’ll also be able to see every website user’s buying journey, for example.

4) It benefits other marketing initiatives: unpaid (SEO) and paid marketing strategies (PPC) work great together. In fact, SEO can maximize your PPC campaigns.

5) It gives you a competitive edge: your competitors will likely be investing in SEO-so should you! Big investors in SEO often outrank the competition in search engine results and gain market share.

So: To SEO or not to SEO?
To SEO, that is the answer!

High-quality SEO will lead to long-term exponential growth. And our BetterPros SEO team is dedicated to delivering exactly that. Our specialists identify new ways to improve your site on a regular basis, optimize your on-page factors, and periodically test the changes they’re making. With their help, your firm should end up on a search engine’s first page in no time. And with a little patience, it could even land one of the top results.

The equation is easy, really: as your site gains more visibility through SEO optimization, more people, aka potential clients, get to know your company.

So, now that you know the answer to the age-old question of whether to SEO or not…ready to give it a try?



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